If you have questions you cannot find answers for on the website just drop us a
line via email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Surfski is an amazing sport. But it is not easy knowing which boat to buy or which paddle to choose. We can help.
What is the difference between Oceana Power Boat Club (OPBC) and the Freedom Paddlers Club (FRE)?
OPBC owns and manges the facilities. To get member discount at the bar, apply for ski storage, not have to pay slip fees and park your car inside, you need to be a member of OPBC. Find out more here. FRE has been formed to give the surfski paddlers who regularly use OPBC as a paddling base a club to join that is affiliated with Canoeing South Africa and the Western Cape Canoe Union. Membership of FRE will give you access to the CSA structures and enable you to enter surfski dices and races around the country. FRE membership does not give you any OPBC membership benefits. You do not need to join FRE to paddle from OPBC. FRE assists OPBC in managing surfski affairs and runs the weekly dice and the Oceana Clifton Challenge.
How do I get storage space for my ski at Oceana?
First step is to join the OPBC. There is a waiting list and spots are allocated on 1st come 1st serve basis. We have 20ft and 40ft containers and each type has a waiting list and what ski type you have will determine which container you will be allocated. Head over to the ski storage section of this site and complete a storage request form.
The containers are NOT cheap storage spots. They are convenience racks so that regular paddlers do not have to load ski’s every time they want to paddle. In the near future we will be introducing an activity clause, so if you want to keep your rack please join us for a paddle from time to time.
You are NOT allocated a spot, rather just rack space. The committee can move ski’s around to improve storage efficiency. Ski’s that are not used often will be moved up to the higher racks. Regular paddlers will benefit from easier to access racks.
Haul Rd, Green Point, Cape Town, Between The V&A Waterfront and Granger Bay