
2019/2020 Accumulative Leaderboard

We have a couple of epic prizes up for grabs during the 2019/2020 Oceana Season

Current Standings:

Fastest Accumulative Time:

Place Curser in Square Above And Scroll Down To View Results

Note: None of these times are eligible for the prize yet as paddlers need to have completed at least 5 races to win the prizes.


Fastest Accumulated Time Over 10 Dices – R4000

Fastest Double Time – R2000

Fastest Single Time Male – R2000

Fastest Single Time Female – R2000


To be eligible for the fast time prizes paddlers need to have completed at least 5 dices in the 2019/2020 season.



2019/2020 Fastest Times Leaderboard

We have a couple of epic prizes up for grabs during the 2019/2020 Oceana Season

Current Standings:

Fastest Accumulative Time:

Place Curser in Square Above And Scroll Down To View Results

Note: None of these times are eligible for the prize yet as paddlers need to have completed at least 5 races to win the prizes.


Fastest Accumulated Time Over 10 Dices – R4000

Fastest Double Time – R2000

Fastest Single Time Male – R2000

Fastest Single Time Female – R2000


To be eligible for the fast time prizes paddlers need to have completed at least 5 dices in the 2019/2020 season.